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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Guess what??? Photo Time lives!!!! This week's theme is 'soft' and here is my photo...

'soft' Posted by Hello


posted by at 1:10 AM

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I missed last week's theme at Photo Time, but I just couldn't miss 2 weeks in a row! This week's theme is ordinary and I wanted to share this picture with you.......It may not be any ordinary FIRE, but it is an ordinary BUSH on fire! Here is my submission for ordinary:


posted by at 6:49 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

This week's photo theme at Photo Time is 'confusion.' And I have just the perfect picture! We were in Chicago this past weekend and wanted to get to the Navy Pier by foot from the Buckingham Fountain. It looked so easy; you could see the Pier from where we were, and we thought we'd just walk along the edge of the water all the way there, but we suddenly hit a dead end, and my step-son stood there by the water contemplating for quite some time before we (the girls!) discovered the way to get to the walkway above the bridge (we had to do a little backtracking) here is my 'confusion' picture. Believe me, we were all confused!!


posted by at 1:11 AM

Friday, September 03, 2004

Last week's theme at Photo Time was 'back to school.' Not the best picture, but it does represent the kids returning to school....I believe this group of kids are pre-school age and they are enjoying the outdoors. The sign cannot be read because of the trees in front of it; maybe they should cut the tree branches so people can read the sign from the road at least.......Anyhow, here is my pic for 'back to school.'

(And below that is my submission for 'pets'; this week's theme!) =)


posted by at 1:05 AM

Monday, August 09, 2004


This week's theme at Photo Time...'straight and narrow.' (I was going to post a picture of a very narrow sidewalk-type thing, but I chose this one instead.) =) Posted by Hello


posted by at 6:27 PM

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Photo Time has a new theme...'distant.' I was pleasingly surprised to see the pictures I was able to capture at this show. The planes were very far away and looking at the LCD screen in my camera. I was unsure of how they would come out. Anyway, here is my submission for 'distant.'

This picture was taken at the Airshow in Bay City....If you look closely, you can see the woman standing on top of the plane which happens to be upside down submission for 'distant.' Posted by Hello


posted by at 1:13 AM

Friday, July 23, 2004

This week's theme at Photo Time is 'shadows.' Here is my selection.....taken at Wenona Park in Bay City. The shadows are not obvious, but they are there.


posted by at 11:57 AM

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